It was homecoming this past week at Park City Highschool. No matter where you grew up, there is just something about homecoming! It is one of those nights that gives you all the feels. The FUN of the tailgate parties, the ENERGY of the marching band and cheerleaders, the COMRADERY of cheering for your local team, the OPTIMISUM of a win, the THRILL of a night with your friends and neighbors! In our little mountain town, this night is nothing short of special! Parkites from every neighborhood put on their best Miners shirt and head out to enjoy some Friday night lights! Some come for the football, some come for the hotdogs, many come to be social. Whatever reason gets people to the field, it makes for an electric night that reminds us just how special it is to live in a small town!!
We feel extremely lucky that we don’t have to wait for the big game to experience homecoming! We get to feel all the feels every time we help a family find their home. Showing families, couples or individuals around our town and watching them light up as they fall in love with a neighborhood. Touring a home and watching as they imagine their future in their new home. Helping them through the process of buying and setting up their home. All of this is just truly SPECIAL!! In our opinion it is the BEST of type of homecoming and one that we enjoy going to again and again!